And amongst all the chaos and the noise, an answer emerges.
A goal materializes.
And just like that, the turmoil recedes but is replaced by a newer restlessness; restlessness of the positive kind.
Direction is regained.
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4 days ago
Just flexing my contrarian muscles this morning,
why do we need direction all the time? Why cant we just spread across all dimensions like 'time'? The chaos & our ability to adjust with it has been the single most magnificent achievement since the past 10,000 years, at least.
We cocoon ourselves in our modern lives which make us believe that a sense of direction or purpose is something that is good for us. But we forget, nature is random, arbitrary developments lead to evolution, ergo, chaos leads to evolution.
As Tyler Durden says in Fight Club,
"F**k off with your sofa units and strine green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may." :-)
I agree with Raunak.
This sense of finding direction is, at best, short-lived. Then you grow older and wonder - is this where you really want to be heading?
Good to know that you're feeling positive again (after those earlier depressing blogs), but seriously, now you can look to have a life, for a change:)
to Raunak,
philosophical, that.
practically, I suppose some people need some kind of direction sometimes to feel anchored to a substrate. Drifting is good, it is important and indeed essential but not easy and not always feasible.
I would have loved to 'drift' but such a way of life does not always put food on the table, nor does it pay the bills :)
Directionless travel alternating with a one that has a set goal would be best I think, to get the best of both sides..
I do not yet know if the sense of finding direction is short lived. I suppose I still have to live a lil longer to really know what you mean :)
Interestingly I have lately been feeling positive, I do not know why you thought I wasn't. Were my posts THAT depressing?
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