And so it has happened yet again.
Why is it that this phase starts just a few days before exams?
Why does this feeling creep into me, of wanting to run away, tear all the notes and books and break away from everything?
I love this subject. I have enjoyed studying it all year, then why suddenly this phase of no-enthu ??
Why am I brooding so much? Why am I starring into space and letting my mind wander? Why am I not focusing??
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4 days ago
dont worry, take it positively bebe, these symptoms clearly says that now study is completed now start with revision...... wt say????
arreee dont worry babe!! it happens to each one of us!!! chill !! thinkof de fun tht u will hv after xams!! :) relax!!
Why are u whining ?
Is the baby crying too hard for u to control....look at it, u dint even touch the diaper.....
get back in there, try again.
well, the diaper theory holds for another subject, not this. This is a subject i do genuinely love!!
anyway, an imp update is that even the 'diaper subject' has become interesting now :)
i enjoyed studying it the other day so much that i asked myself why exactly was i not liking it before? :)
well, i hope thats not a phase, and if it is, i hope it lasts till my exams get over, at least!b:P
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