It felt a lot like being pushed into a cold stormy night with no protection from the frigid weather. It was cold, bitter and it hurt. Boy did it hurt...
But I am slowing growing used to it now. Yes, it can get a bit lonely at times. More so when you stumble on an old memory; a cd he gave, a song he loved, a place we visited together, an old email... For just a few moments you are back in the warm sunshine away from all the pain. And then the next moment you realise the warmth is not real anymore, that you are just imagining things. And before you know it, you are back in the rains again. But then, you get used to it after a while; the flip-flop, flip-flop. The cold-sunshine, cold-sunshine routine. And it doesn't hurt as much. It reaches a point where it's bearable.
And surprisingly, I think I could get used to this thing. This footlooseness. There is a thrill in being all alone, I think it's even giving me a high.
I am slowly settling down in this stormy weather; snuggling in the cold, and learning to just enjoy the rain...
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'Zaidi gently unfurls several interlocked questions about art, friendship,
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2 days ago
kudos to you girl!!!!!!! keep it up!!! enjoy being single while it lasts......and....lots more fish out there.....we can go fishing whenever in the mood!!!! :)
cool bebe, cheers...... its terrible if u r a kill of a loneliness.... neways just njoy the rain....
Dude Struck a cord for sure! this post...As Adi says, lot more fish oiut there.. till then happy blogging!
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