Its New Years already.
Funny how time flies by so quickly when you are having a good time.
Yes, 2008 has been a wonderful year for me. Learned so many lessons. Unlike 2007, these lessons weren't those I could add in my CV; but lessons non the less.
I shall always remember 2008 as the year in which I came to be a part of a relationship for the first time ever.
I was also part of a break-up for the first time.
I came to value friendship like never before. I can't believe I used to take human beings for granted the way I did before things changed my views.
2008 will, for me, be the year Yashada had a paradigm shift, the year Yashada grew up.
As I write this, I have suddenly realized I'm happy!
I'm happy to let go of another year and venture into a new one :)
New reviews for the newest book
'Zaidi gently unfurls several interlocked questions about art, friendship,
and the perpetually ugly business of making a living. Is "true" or "honest"
art ...
4 days ago