Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A Good Year, This
Funny how time flies by so quickly when you are having a good time.
Yes, 2008 has been a wonderful year for me. Learned so many lessons. Unlike 2007, these lessons weren't those I could add in my CV; but lessons non the less.
I shall always remember 2008 as the year in which I came to be a part of a relationship for the first time ever.
I was also part of a break-up for the first time.
I came to value friendship like never before. I can't believe I used to take human beings for granted the way I did before things changed my views.
2008 will, for me, be the year Yashada had a paradigm shift, the year Yashada grew up.
As I write this, I have suddenly realized I'm happy!
I'm happy to let go of another year and venture into a new one :)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I Am Here
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Cherry on Top
But the cherry on top came when Vilasrao Deshmukh went to the Taj with his actor son and Ram Gopal Verma. That was the height of insensitivity a leader, no other than the Chief Minister of this very state could exhibit. I am speechless after knowing this. And I cry in despair, is all lost? Are we doomed? Is there no hope when there is such a sick, insensitive leadership that we have elected ourselves?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Pranu: “Baaaabeee I’m sooooo glad ur online!!! We HHHAVE to taaaalk!!!!”
Me: “OMG, waaaat happened???”
Pranu: “Too long a story to type, can I call???”
Me: “Haan re, call NOOOOWWW. Btw wats it bout??”
Although I already knew what it was that she wanted so desperately to talk about. Her extended ‘baaaabe, and HHAAAVE to taaaalk’ etc told me she was having guy trouble.
So she calls at 1.30 am on my landline and starts. “So I said blah blah..then he said blah blah, so I was like, so what?? Then you know what he said?? He was like..blah blah…”
I’m listening, listening, listening…
Next thing I know I can hear the engaged tone on the phone. For a second I don’t know what’s happening. Then it hits me, I had fell asleep while she was telling me something major on the phone.
Then my cell phone rings. Pranu calling. I answer, “Babe what happened?? Zoplis biplis ki kay?”
“Umm yes I think I fell asleep…” I say a little gingerly, wondering how she’ll react.
“What??? You fell asleep listening to me??”
“Sorry sorry sorry, I was just a bit tired, and its almost 2 now…” Stop giving excuses you stupid, just accept your mistake and try to figure out how much damage control is needed.
Thankfully Pranu was in a good mood. I didn’t even have to treat her to coffee or ice cream. Come to think of it, I came off pretty easy.
I wondered what I would have done if we had exchanged places and she would have been the one to doze off while I ranted on. Hell would have broken loose…
Boy, I have good, understanding friends. Can’t say the same for them though!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Chain Ki Neend
I have been silent for a long time. Its been more than a month since I wrote last. Long silence, this. But before I commence this post I have someone to thank. For it was he who suggested (unknowingly, I guess) the title for this post. Some witty remark from Nachiket Gajare proved to be a muse for me. And I finally decided to break my bloggy silence.
I have been silent for a long time. When was the last time I “talked?” For the last few weeks I have been a mere spectator of my actions, or inactions. It was almost some form of out- of- body experience. I saw myself taking decisions I didn’t think I would, I saw myself thinking in ways I didn’t know I could. I could see myself running around, busy with some work, making excuses for my behavior, my silence. Slowly I could see myself getting lost in the crowd. I didn’t even try to get back together with that drifting, aimless, apparently busy self, till I actually realized what I was doing and why I was doing it. Staying aloof brings with it some kind of numbness which is very addictive. I didn't have to think much, but only go with the flow. I would have stayed this way had it not been for a sudden realization. The realization that I was not writing a lot, at least not like the way i used to. The new me did not like to pen down my thoughts. Unusual, for the Yashada I know.This separation from my being was affecting my (among other things), writing.
I can't stay this way! Not talking is unhealthy. I must break my silence. And hence this post.
The last few days have been super-hectic. I have barely slept. Why? Some submission, as usual. All I wanted to do after the submission was have some good, untroubled sleep. Chain ki neend, in Nachiket’s words. Well, the submission is over now and I’m at the other side of it. It would have been a very different side if it wasn’t for some Bollywood ish-style shootings taking place on the very streets of my dear city. News channels are suddenly showing scenes that look like they're from fromsome Hindi film. Whoever could have imagined terrorists coming by boat, attacking, among other places, the Taj- more than just a hotel for any Mumbaikar. Considering that complete murderous lunatics are loose in our city, wonder if any of us can have any chain ki neend…
Thanks again, Nachiket for the title.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Discovery and National Geographic channels were launched in India when I was in school. I remember being glued to the TV watching fascinating beasts and equally fascinating people studying them. I wished I could join this band of cool conservators and adventurers, travel across the globe and save the jaguar in the amazon or watch chimps communicate or release turtles into the wild.
So when I heard that people were, in fact, trying to save turtles in my own backyard I jumped right in as a volunteer.
The Sahyadri Nisarga Mitra is (SNM), is an NGO based in Chiplun, Maharastra. They have met with success in their attempt to save turtle eggs that hatch on the Konkan beaches. Locals used to eat turtle eggs, but volunteers of SNM educated them about the importance of turtles. They eventually took local fisher folks into confidence, who became their informers. Whenever a turtle nest was spotted, efforts were made to guard the nest by building temporary fences around the nest. In case there were many nests, hatcheries were made and eggs were protected from stray dogs, foxes and other predators.
Marine turtles live their entire lives in the sea, but the female comes on land to lay her eggs. She comes roughly on the same beach that she was born on to lay her eggs. She lays about 150 to 200 eggs at a time. After about 5 weeks the eggs hatch and the tiny little hatchlings find their way to the sea. They are attracted to the light of the moon which steers them towards the waves. But bright city lights coming from the opposite direction may confuse them and they end up going the wrong way, i.e. inland. Hatchlings also fall prey to natural predators like foxes, birds etc. They also have natural enemies in the sea. It is estimated that only one or two turtles from a single batch survive up to adulthood. Turtles are also falling prey to trawler nets. Trawlers cast their vast nets in the water for about 9-10 hours. If a turtle gets entangled in it, it can't come up to the surface to breath. It needs to come to the surface to breath every hour or so. So the poor thing suffocates to death.
The olive ridley turtle is known to nest along the entire coast of India. SNM wanted to find out if turtles nest north of Ratnagiri, near Mumbai.
A workshop was held to gather volunteers for the job. Volunteering work involves traveling along coastal villages north of Mumbai and talking to the local fisher folk. They are the best people to give accurate information about turtle sightings. The work also involves telling them about the importance of turtles in the food chain, and that their conservation will finally help in the conservation of other fish in the sea.
The first trip took place last Sunday, on the 19th of October. Fisherfolk said they remembered lots of turtles coming to the beach to lay eggs and that they used to eat the eggs. But now, it has been 15 years since a turtle came to lay eggs on their beach. It sure was disheartening to hear that. But we had traveled to a couple of villages very close to Mumbai and maybe the further away we go from this crowded and polluted city , the better the condition of the beaches and better the chances of turtles visiting them.
But I can't help myself ask the question, is this whole effort to release turtles into the sea the real solution to the problem? According to one paper, "Programs such as headstarting, captive breeding, and hatcheries may serve only to release more turtle into a degraded environment in which their parents have already demonstrated that they cannot flourish." Even if we do release them into the ocean, what are the chances of them surviving in an environment that we know is hazardous for them? If we really want to save them, we must look at the larger picture. The authors of the above paper suggest 'turtle excluder' nets, nets that only catch the target fish and let turtles go free. They also suggest low pressure sodium lamps on beaches so the turtles don't get disoriented.
Asking a trawler owner to set up turtle excluder devices, asking for special lighting near beaches will be easier said than done. After all, why will a trawler owner be interested in setting up some new device when he is not getting anything out of it? That would mean asking the Government to give them subsidies, or tax benefits; which ultimately means a lot of paper work and probably years stuck in a red tape.
YOu might call me a cynic, but there is a thin line between being a cynic and a realist.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Cheers To Singledom
But I am slowing growing used to it now. Yes, it can get a bit lonely at times. More so when you stumble on an old memory; a cd he gave, a song he loved, a place we visited together, an old email... For just a few moments you are back in the warm sunshine away from all the pain. And then the next moment you realise the warmth is not real anymore, that you are just imagining things. And before you know it, you are back in the rains again. But then, you get used to it after a while; the flip-flop, flip-flop. The cold-sunshine, cold-sunshine routine. And it doesn't hurt as much. It reaches a point where it's bearable.
And surprisingly, I think I could get used to this thing. This footlooseness. There is a thrill in being all alone, I think it's even giving me a high.
I am slowly settling down in this stormy weather; snuggling in the cold, and learning to just enjoy the rain...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A day of many firsts
But this time it was different. This time the bride happened to be my cousin. And this happened to be the first wedding in the family of our generation. Oh boy....did we all have fun!
And I surprised myself by doing some things I thought I would never do.
A. Bought 3 inch high heeled sandals and actually walked around in them all day, ignoring the slow and may I add painful death of my feet, my knees and my back.
B. Allowed mehendi to be drawn on my palms
C. I forgot all the dialogue-baji I have been doing all these years about "how can people actually cry at weddings, that's just so stupid, I mean its not like you're never going to meet her again!!"and joined the "stupid people who cry at weddings" group.
D. I actually danced wholeheartedly and didn't have to be pulled and coaxed into it.
Well, at least I didn't buy any of those chamko sandals with glittery stuff pasted on them, nor did I paint my entire palm with mehendi, just a small strip, and 'weeping' is a more appropriate word than 'crying' I suppose, and I danced only if you consider either standing rooted to the spot and doing curious hand movements or jumbling your legs with un-coordinated hand movements as 'dancing'.
Well, that should help me keep some of my dignity.
Monday, September 8, 2008
What I Don't Like About Ganpati...
Why do our festivals have to be so noisy? I now associate any Indian festival with loudspeakers that blare out so-called music even during unearthly hours. I have been hearing aartis with dhinchak dhinchak beats in the background, like the ones you hear in auto-rickshaws being played in cars while they take the ganpati for visarjan.
Urghh!! The rubbish people can come up with!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I'm back!
wow!!! I'm back!!!
Fisrt of all, welcome to my humble abode. :)
After a looot of shifting and adjusting and some more shifting, I finally ended up where I had begun- at Blogspot. I must say I got a lot of help from 'blog-brokers' who helped me find a new place to write, but I guess I love Blogspot too much. Many many thanks for the help though.
I have created a new google account and shall post here, using that particular google id. I'm doing all this so that this current blog of mine does not feature along with my previous blog on my profile. Problem solved!
Anyway, last few weeks have been pretty laid-back and I spent a major part of the day doing absolutely nothing. But this is, as Gandalf says, "the deep breath before the plunge!" I intend to plunge into acads tomorrow but I'm not sure if that's a good idea as I have a super-cool girls only pajama party coming up this weekend. That will completely ruin my study tempo. So, maybe I should just wait till Monday till I take the plunge... ;)
But whatever, the transition is complete and I shall soon begin to post here.